Vulva care

Vulva care

Daily intimate care can seem confusing since there are a lot of misconceptions on the internet. How to clean your vulva is actually really simple. Intimate care is really just about trying to avoid irritation, so here is a simple guide on how to care for your geni. 

 Get in the shower
 Gently clean your vulva and surrounding area with the water. Nothing goes in the vagina! If you have some dry smegma you can try using lukewarm water or a bit warmer water to gently massage it away. 
 Step out of the shower and gently dab your vulva dry.
Now for the optional part! If you usually get dry, try putting some Geni Soothe on your vulva before entering the shower. This will create a protective layer on your vulva so the water won't strip away your natural oils, keeping you perfectly moist for your vaginal flora.
Another option is to put Geni Soothe on after the shower to soothe and protect your vulva from eventual discomforts. 
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